Get your deposit back: Blu Tack facts

A handy guide for your tenants to help avoid an issue requiring resolution caused by redecoration costs from blu-tack marks.

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Blu Tack facts

As a tenant, you may be tempted to use Blu Tack or other types of adhesive products to hang pictures, posters or other decorations on the walls of your rental property.

While this may seem like a convenient and harmless way to personalise your space, it is important to be aware of the risks involved in using these products on the walls of a rental property.

First and foremost, it is important to understand that Blu Tack and other adhesives can cause damage to the walls of a rental property.

They can leave behind sticky residue, stains, or even holes in the wall, which can be costly and time-consuming to repair.

This can lead to issues requiring resolution with your landlord or property manager and could result in you being held responsible for the cost of repairs or even losing part of your deposit.

Another risk of using Blu Tack on the walls of a rental property is that it can attract pests. Blu tack and other adhesives can provide a food source for insects and rodents, which can quickly become a serious problem if not addressed.

This can not only damage your rental property, but it can also create an unsanitary living environment for you and other tenants.

Blu Tac

What’s the alternative?

If discussed and agreed with your landlord, white Blu Tack could be considered a better option.

White Blu Tack, also known as “Blu Tack White,” is a variation of the traditional Blu Tack adhesive putty that is designed to be less visible on light-coloured surfaces. Some benefits of using white Blu Tack include:

  1. Improved aesthetic: White Blu Tack is less noticeable on light-coloured walls, making it a better option for hanging posters or pictures in areas where the adhesive putty would be visible.
  2. Better colour-matching: White Blu Tack is less likely to clash with the colour of the surface it is applied to, making it a more versatile option for hanging items on different coloured walls or surfaces.
  3. Reduced staining: Traditional Blu Tack can leave behind a residue on surfaces, especially if it is left on for an extended period. White Blu Tack is less likely to leave behind stains, which makes it a better option for use in areas where a clean appearance is important.
  4. Safe for delicate surfaces: White Blu Tack is less aggressive and less likely to cause damage to delicate surfaces such as wallpaper, painted walls or any surfaces that are prone to staining or discoloration.
  5. Better for delicate items: White Blu Tack is less likely to damage delicate or valuable items that you may want to hang, as it is less likely to leave behind residue or cause discoloration.

Risks to a tenant

It is important to be aware that there may be implications if using Blu Tack or other adhesives such as Command Strips on the walls of a rental property. Many landlords and property managers set out their policies in an agreement if they disallow tenants from using these products and breaching these policies can result in an issue requiring resolution with your landlord.

To avoid these risks, it is best to avoid using Blu Tack or other adhesives on the walls of your rental property. Instead, consider using removable wall hooks or other types of damage-free hanging solutions. These can provide a safe and effective way to personalise your space without causing damage to your rental property. Additionally, read and abide by the regulations set by the landlord within your assured shorthold tenancy in England or occupation contract in Wales.